oxymoron examples sentences

I hope nobody pulls a practical joke on me on April Fools. The comedian was seriously funny. Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! A paradox is a figure of speech in which a statement appears to contradict itself. Oxymoron is a combination of two contradictory terms. Oxymoron Example 1 Good night, good night! A good example of an oxymoron comes from the debut album by English rock band Oasis, which is named 'Definitely Maybe'. Oxymoron in William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. : thunderous silence, sweet sorrow.. Let's understand what is Oxymorons by checking their use in sentence example. Oxymoron Worksheets To Print: Contradictory Terms - Spot the examples in the sentences. I bought a desk that was completely _____. In fact, the word 'oxymoron' is an oxymoron in itself--oxy is Greek for 'sharp' and moron is Greek for 'dull.' The phrase jumbo shrimp is a great example of an oxymoron. Here, honey and bitter both are used in the same sentence which has opposite meanings, but it's not an oxymoron, it's a paradox. slowly.". This is often used in true fiction, rhetoric, pop . Learn oxymoron example with free interactive flashcards. Examples of Oxymoron: 1. wakeful sleep. - Clara Barton terms are paired, for example, alone together, current history or boneless ribs. Tagged: Difference, Examples, Oxymoron, Paradox. . The most recognizable oxymorons are adjective-noun pairs, as in the phrase "proud humility." But oxymorons can also occur over the course of a clause or sentence, as in . O loving hate!" - these are a few of his famous oxymora. An oxymoron can seem absurd yet make perfect sense at the same time. The two characters are shown as opposites in order to highlight the good qualities of one and the evil . With that being said, here are some examples of oxymoron in sentences: Clara clearly misunderstood my point. The term "oxymoron" comes from Greek, where "oxy" means "sharp or acute," and "moros" means "dumb or foolish." So oxymoron is itself a bit of, well, an oxymoron. Vegetarian Meatball. This sentence includes: onomatopoeia. 48 Funny and Clever Oxymorons. . For example, the term "bittersweet" is an oxymoron. It's also a slangy way of calling someone small or short. It's often referred to as a contradiction in terms.As with other rhetorical devices, oxymorons are used for a variety of purposes.Sometimes they're used to create a little bit of drama for the reader; sometimes they're used to make a person stop and think, whether that's to laugh or to wonder. The phrase "cruel kindness" is an oxymoron.. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples Question. An oxymoron can seem absurd yet make perfect sense at the same time. O loving hate! Funny Examples of Oxymorons (Oxymora) Facebook Twitter Google+. Vegetarian Seafood. Without sentences, language doesn't really work. Act naturally. This phrase makes use of an adjective or adverb for humor. An example of a paradox is "Waking is dreaming". The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective followed by a noun with contrasting meanings. An oxymoron presents two seemingly contrasting terms together. Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! I saw you standing there alone in a crowd the other night. Bittersweet. Define oxymoron. Let's get this one out of the way. However, the contrasting words/phrases are not always glued together. Vegetarian Hamburger. For example, we talk about eating "jumbo shrimp," driving by a "sanitary landfill" or seeing something we describe as "pretty ugly." For example, the phrase "virtual reality" is formed from contrasting words. It's the people I tell them to that can't keep them. The comedian was seriously witty. You'll find common figures of speech, plus references to works of classic and pop culture. The comedian was seriously funny. Virtual reality has changed the way we view the world. A crisis is defined as a time of serious difficulty. Among them there is a real love hate relationship between the two. Rhetorical oxymora (e.g., "bipartisan cooperation" or "business ethics"), on the other hand, are expressions composed of words that are . An oxymoron is a figure of speech containing words that seem to contradict each other. When we think of oxymorons, we often think of two-word phrases with seemingly opposite components, like "alone together" or "sweet sorrow."But in some instances, a single word is all it takes. O heavy lightness! Normally, an oxymoron consists of a noun and an adjective which clashes in opposition with that noun. Oxymoron on the other hand comes with only two words that contradicts itself. Content. The two terms are set near each other to enhance or highlight the contrast in opposite meaning. Example #1. Night of the Living Dead: 1968 film. The dictionary defines an oxymoron as a "wittily paradoxical turn of phrase that appeals to 'unconscious responses' instead of rational examinations". Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow. Read further to find out the line of . "Bitter" and "sweet" are contradictory. Suddenly a room filled with terrible silence. Alliteration Oxymoron Malapropism Antithesis . Oxymoron. Paradoxes and Oxymorons are two types of contradictory statements in English. Examples of Oxymoron in Literature. . There is a contradiction in the apparent meaning of a statement. The word combines two of the five taste sensations, the others being . 1. Oxymoron examples in pop culture. An oxymoron, however, is a combination and juxtaposition of two words that contradict each other, but serve as a sound or logical figure of speech. The most commonly-used example of an oxymoron is 'jumbo shrimp,' as a shrimp is small by definition and therefore cannot be jumbo. So "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun with contrasting meanings, such as "cruel kindness," or "living death". The word 'jumbo' means . "The Sound of Silence": Song by Simon . I can hear the tweet tweet of a bird outside my window. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that puts two words next to each other with very different meanings that end up making sense in a strange way. With that being said, here are some clever oxymoron examples in the form of sentences: Betty and Veronica share a love-hate relationship with each another. We will get the results you need. Thea is my least favorite person at work. A Contradictory Sentence - Fill in the blank to complete each oxymoron. Example 1. Old news is an everyday example of an oxymoron, as news is meant to be current. You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in. For example, the phrase "virtual reality" is formed from contrasting words. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair", "Parting is such sweet sorrow", "O brawling love! For example, the phrase "virtual reality" is formed from contrasting words. So "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron. You then use them in your own crafted sentences. Definitely, Maybe: 2008 film. Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence. Examples include phrases like "bittersweet" and "icy hot." Foil is where characters contrast. For some real-world examples of oxymorons in writing, review a few lines from literature and songs. An Oxymoron. At first glance, oxymorons appear to be absurd due to this contrast. Weegy: After my knee surgery, I had trouble walking, but my physical therapist was able to give me a leg up. William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet This famous quotation from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet contains an equally famous oxymoron. "Alone Together": Song by Fall Out Boy. Of nothing first create! An oxymoron is a type of juxtaposition, just shorter and focused on two contradictory concepts. In Passing - Identify and explain the oxymorons in each passage that is provided. For instance, imagine a woman who has a thirty-five year old son who still lives in her attic, playing video games and refusing to get a real job. This type of statement can be described as paradoxical. The word 'oxymoron' can be used only in the form of a noun. There is a real love-hate relationship developing between the two of them. Directions: Create an oxymoron by writing a word from the box next to the underlined word in each sentence. Sometimes, characters in literary works are the antithesis of each other. An oxymoron is any grouping of oppositional words to create a new, unique word or phrase. . The following list of funny and clever oxymorons will help to inspire your own search for . Examples of Oxymoron in a sentence. Example: The TV series shows the juxtaposition of belief between the two people. Simile. Then explain why Shakespeare uses so many oxymorons, and describe their effect. Below you will find examples of figurative language like an example of personification, examples of . Two contrasted words are present. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two contradictory terms or ideas are paired together in order to reveal a deeper truth. This love feel I, that feel no love in this.'. Fiction authors like Shakespeare used all of these. An oxymoron is two words put together that seem to contradict each other. . Learn more about oxymorons by reading on and checking out some of our funny examples. O loving hate!"). Whereas oxymoron is a contradiction in terms, paradox is made up of contradictory phrases or sentences . Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. Funny Oxymoron Quotes I am a deeply superficial person. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that uses contradictory terms in conjunction, which means words that don't appear to go well together. 1. 14. Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence. Antithesis is a literary device in which an opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed using a parallel grammatical structure.. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.. Definition of Oxymoron. A simile is a rhetorical device that compares two things using the word "like" or "as.". 2. Examples of Oxymorons in Sentences This is another fine mess you have got us into. O loving hate! Some examples from famous works include these: 1. O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Oxymoron | 766 followers on LinkedIn. Oxymoron. Often, an oxymoron is used to express a particular sentiment that cannot be otherwise understood. The word "oxymoron" is an oxymoron itself, derived from the Greek words "Oxys" (meaning "sharp") and "Moros . Discuss this oxymoron in the comments below. As shown by this list of 100 awfully good examples, oxymorons are also part of our everyday speech. These words are juxtaposed or placed side by side. The first word is usually used to describe the second word in a way that contrasts with it. A simpler meaning would be that, it is a set of consecutive words that express conflicting meanings. Tweet. Mason ordered a plate of jumbo _____. Out of the ordinary ad agency | We will turn your brief into an out of the ordinary concept. Oxymorons are considered to be statements that contradict themselves. - Anthony Haden-Guest She used to diet on any kind of food she could lay her hands on. He did the exact opposite of what I told him to do. The different types of figurative language include personification, metonymy, assonance, simile, metaphor, alliteration, symbolism, hyperbole, idiom, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, and cliche. We use oxymorons because they make effective titles in literature or film, and add dramatic effect, for example, Dead Man Walking, Mr. Putting two contrasting terms together is the easiest way to make an oxymoron. He is a man who, when he was pillaging for the Federal government, reduced the term Public Service to an oxymoron. Oxymoron as a noun means A figure of speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined (Ex. Big Words - A little matching to get you started and then a sentence of your thoughts. Though oxymoron is the most commonly used combination of opposite words, it is sometimes confused with paradox. A paradox is a statement or argument that seems to be contradictory or to go against common sense, but that is yet perhaps still truefor example, "less is more." Consider these oxymoron examples: "I am a deeply superficial person." Andy Warhol "I distinctly remember forgetting that." Clara Barton Present words in a new way Placing contrasting words next to each other makes each one stand out more, just like placing contrasting colors together. serious vanity! Antithesis places two opposite ideas together. 3.Paradox is an action that is contradictory and oxymoron is a description of a phrase. Antithesis is the term used to refer to an author's use of two contrasting or opposite terms in a sentence for effect. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. Examples of Oxymorons (Oxymora) Oxymoron: a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in "cruel kindness" or "to make haste. For example, "sorority girl lawyer" might be an oxymoron that summarizes the plot of "Legally Blond". There are two contrasted words or ideas. We agreed to disagree on certain things as soon as we said our wedding vows. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word "oxymoron"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there's a better way for you to learn meaning of "oxymoron" through sentence examples. However, the juxtaposition of two opposing words can add irony, reveal a deeper meaning behind the text, or add onto the dramatic effect. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Oxymorons are oppositional words joined to create a unique word or phrase. Oxymoron Examples in Literature. For example, if you wanted to say that something was as strong as an ox, you would be using a simile. The term "oxymoron" comes from Greek, where "oxy" means "sharp or acute," and "moros" means "dumb or foolish." So oxymoron is itself a bit of, well, an oxymoron.

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oxymoron examples sentences